Saturday, February 21, 2009

Math Wins

I think it's a good thing I'm not planning on being a journalist. I don't have thick enough skin for it. TPN must thin out your skin along with your hair and wrecking your kidneys. Readers of the online Lantern can post comments on the various articles. Needless to say there were a few comments on my article. One reader told me that everyone has a difficult life, and I am no different. Another said that "FML" is from a website, so it's okay for people to say because it's a part of popular culture. O right, another comment said I was "scary" and likened me to a White Power member or a member of the NRA. Still another asked me never to write for the Lantern again because I do not have writing talent and said that the Lantern is a sub-par publication. I'm not sure about the credibility of any of these comments, as I can easily tear gaping holes in each of their arguments. Your life is not as hard as someone else's life, so remember that next time you curse your own life (a.k.a. the point of the article). Is promiscuous sex okay? There are plenty of websites devoted to that. How am I anything like a white supremecist or gun fiend because I don't like unnecessary, unfounded cursing? Why waste your time reading and commenting on a sub-par publication?

Boom ... roasted.

Perhaps the article wouldn't have been as "controversial" if they hadn't renamed it. Instead of "Think About the Unlucky Ones," it was published as "If You're Reading This, Then Life Isn't So Bad." Titles should be short and catchy. And they shouldn't have apostrophes. And they should be the author's.

Anyway ... math definitely wins. -IW


  1. Hey, the best articles are the ones that bring out some passion and conversation...the down side is that the negative people who try to defend immoral behavior are always first to respond...take it as a must have gotten them thinking.
    love ya,

  2. Wow. I think it is very impressive that people read your article John. That is awesome! The fact that they commented proves that you made an impact, good or bad, you made an impact. You can bet that there were many others that enjoyed the article too.
    Don't let a few kids bring you down. Remember that everyone has the right to be stupid...some just abuse that right... LOL!!!
    I enjoyed the article and appreciated its message. Thank you for being a role model for so many of us!
    Love ya son!

  3. I agree you are a inspiration and I am here on your blog through my sister who follows your story who is also a small gutter. She lost her small bowel 3 years ago at the age of 31. She has eight inches left and is on an IV every night being admistered TPN for 11 hours. We know how hard life can be after going through this experience with her and still on going. We know that it takes determination and strength to get up and face the day with this new way of life. We've talked about what it would be like to be your age and in college with this difficult way of life and we are in awe of your will to go on and to live your life to the fullest, despite your circumstances. God bless you and we are rooting for your success!

    Inspired by you,
    Jen Colacchio
